Enterprise needs

Enterprise needs


Business problems?

Do companies need to find senior technical experts to help solve problems encountered in the product or technology process?
Do companies need to find professional technical consultants to provide solution consulting or technical training services?
Companies need to find senior product experts to provide supervision and guidance for product design and promotion?
Enterprises need to find their own industry experts, research industry problems, want to hear the relevant industry experts unique opinions?

Our enterprise docking service model

Through in-depth analysis of enterprise requirements, extract key information
Search and match from expert database to lock a batch of candidate experts
The enterprise needs to be accurately pushed to candidate experts
Intended experts and enterprises on the needs of communication, confirmation, determine the partnership

Our service platform

Based on the service of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, for the national scientific and technological workers and enterprise users, we will establish a real, efficient, professional and characteristic expert docking service platform to meet the needs of scientific researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship under the new situation and help enterprises solve technical problems.
To build the whole process of technology experts' connection in the "online and offline" mode, reduce the communication cost and improve the connection efficiency by providing a space for mutual understanding, credible and safe communication in the early stage of transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Our enterprise docking service process

  • demand analysis
  • expert matching
  • directed invitation
  • preliminary communication
  • precise docking

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